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Today Date : Saturday, January 18, 2025

Health benefits of  millets program held

Health benefits of millets program held

The Eye Opener Meeting on ‘Health Benefits of Millets’ Programme
was held on June 12 at Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, under the auspices of the Department of  Food Science and Nutrition and FICCIFLO, Coimbatore.
Dr. S Kowsalya, Registrar of the Institute welcomed. Dr. Bharathi Harishankar, Vice Chancellor, reiterated the need of formulation of innovative recipes from millets. Dr. Lovelin Gerald Professor and Head Department of  Food Processing and Preservation Technology introduced the special speaker, Ms.Meena Swaminathan, Senior Vice chairman FICCI, Ladies organisation (FLO) Coimbatore, who introduced the activity and achievements of FICCIFLO. Dr. M. Sylvia Subapriya Professor and Head Department of Food Science and Nutrition, introduced the Chief Guest Dr.Khader Vali, Independent Scientist, Food and Health and Padma Shri Awardee. He reiterated that Millet is a basket of nutrients. 
Dr. V. Premala Priyadharshini Professor and Head, Department of Food Service Management and Dietetics proposed the vote of thanks.